Ekwato RISK: easy risk management in real-time.

Constantly monitor the risk situation in your wood products supply chain.

Information and documents collected over time have an impact on the risk level of each supplier and each product. Similarly, a change to a supply chain, a product or one of its components leads to an update of its level of risk.

Annual risk analyses are no longer sufficient to ensure up-to-date due diligence. Many companies are non-compliant the rest of the year.

What is your situation concerning the application requirements of your purchasing policy for wood products or the regulatory requirements?

Is the level of risk of your suppliers and each of your wood products really known at all times?

Have you identified the various existing risks to determine your priorities for action?

Can you perform a risk simulation of a new supply chain or a change of supplier?

The RISK module is a unique innovative module allowing each company to build its decision trees with regulatory or personalised criteria in just a few clicks, and to apply its risk analysis continuously to all registered products.

The Ekwato module continuously models and energises your risk analyses: there is no longer any limit to optimising management with complete confidence.

A unique innovation:
– You can generate as many decision trees as you want, simulate your changes in the supply chain and anticipate decisions.
– A risk analysis for each wood product, including its components, which is updated automatically according to the information that is continuously entered into the system!
– Real-time management unique in the world.
– Anticipation and simulation of risks through alerts and simulations (of supply chains, new documentary requirements, new countries, new species, etc.).

– The SaaS solution, easy to integrate into your IT infrastructure
– Easy to learn: simpler and more ergonomic than a spreadsheet or an ERP!
– Interoperability with your ERP through an API (Application Programming Interface).
– Consult the dashboards and alerts to help you take action.

– In addition to the 10 criteria already present in the tool, you can customise them according to your conditions for a completely personalised analysis.
– You can also create unique criteria for your company (contact us directly).

– The architecture of the servers set up for the EKWATO tool guarantees a permanent backup, whatever the risk (including geographic).
– Documentation uploaded to the EKWATO platform can never be accessed by an Internet browser. Thanks to a specific controller integrated into the software, only the EKWATO process can read the document via a secure URL, modifiable over time, which verifies that the current person has the necessary rights to perform the download.
– Hosted in France.

– The SaaS solution: multi-workstation and multi-site.
– Multilingual (French, English, Spanish): document requests are sent in the language of your suppliers, and access to the platform for your suppliers is in their language.

Ekwato RISK: benefits for users.

✔  Real-time risk management on your wood products supply chain.

✔  Saving time and money when generating internal risk analyses.

✔  Monitoring of your risk reduction measures by product.

✔  Continuous improvement and adaptation thanks to the ergonomic and simple creation of decision trees: you can optimise all year round, and adapt quickly to the market and other unpredictable factors (effective resilience).

✔  Help prioritise your actions to increase efficiency.

✔  Dashboards continuously updated and accessible for your users regardless of their location (internal, teleworking, multi-sites, international).

✔  One more step towards the responsible management of your supply chain.

Ekwato 360: do you want to benefit from the full power of Ekwato automation?

Subscribe to the 360 subscription, which brings together the COLLECT, SHARE & RISK modules : get more benefits and a discount!